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Walmart Joins Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing
Apr 19, 2016
Washington, D.C. – Today the National Coalition on Health Care Action Fund announced that Walmart has officially joined the coalition’s Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing. Walmart is the largest employer in the United States with 1.4 million domestic employees.
“The problem of rising prescription drug prices has a broad impact on our economy. Job creators like Walmart, as well as patients and taxpayers, are just some of those who are contending with the challenges of rising prices. As America’s largest employer, Walmart will bring an important perspective to the Campaign as we continue our work to find sustainable, market-based solutions to stop skyrocketing prescription drug prices,” said John Rother, executive director of the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing.
“We are excited to join the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing,” said Sally Welborn, senior vice president of global benefits at Walmart. “It’s important to Walmart to help find solutions to health care costs that continue to rise for individuals and the companies that insure them. With more than 1.1 million associates and family members on Walmart’s health care plans and millions of customers that visit pharmacies in our stores and clubs each week, we understand the importance of quality, affordable health care. By working together, we all can play a role in better aligning the payment system and driving improvements, whether it’s costs associated with doctors’ visits, prescription drugs or insurance premiums.”
Lowering prescription drug prices is a bipartisan issue that has gained national attention, including from presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle. Every major presidential candidate has weighed in on the issue as voters demand action and the 2016 election cycle picks up steam. Today, nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of the public view prescription drug costs as unreasonable, and one in four patients (24 percent) say they have not filled a prescription because of cost. Voters are looking for candidates at all levels to find common-sense solutions to make prescription drugs affordable.
About the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing
The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) is a project of the National Coalition on Health Care Action Fund. The Campaign represents a diverse set of health care stakeholders committed to sustainable prescription drug pricing and includes organizations representing hospitals, physicians, pharmacists, nurses, consumers, patients, employers and health plans. Visit www.CSRxP.org and follow CSRxP on Twitter.