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Voters want solutions to out-of-control drug prices
Nov 2, 2018
The American economy may be booming and paychecks may be growing, but one-in-four Americans still cannot afford the medications they need.
As Big Pharma continues to raise drug prices at a pace that far exceeds the rate of inflation – patients across the country struggle to keep up, barely able to afford the medications they need.
While many candidates campaigned on reining in the out-of-control drug prices caused by Big Pharma’s habitual price gouging – campaign rhetoric isn’t enough.
The American people deserve action and real solutions that bring transparency and competition back to the marketplace.
To get the facts on the drug pricing crisis and to see just a few of the solutions we believe will help make drug pricing more sustainable in the long term, click here.
Thankfully, there have been some recent steps taking us in the right direction and proving that leaders in Washington are working to put long-needed regulations in place to keep Big Pharma under control and help patients.
These are just a few of those victories:
- The Trump Administration moved forward with a proposal requiring pharmaceutical companies to disclose drug prices in direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising – helping to give patients the information they need to make decision about their healthcare, while also holding Big Pharma accountable for the prescription drug prices they set. Learn more.
- The FDA is also approving more generic options at a quicker pace. Approving 781 generic drugs in fiscal year 2018 – 90 percent more than it did in 2014. Learn more.
- Congress recently eliminated gag clauses that prevented pharmacists from advising patients about more affordable medication options. Learn more.
Eighty-eight percent of Americans say medication costs should be a priority issue for congressional candidates this year, but that doesn’t just mean campaign rhetoric. It means finding real solutions to the issue of out-of-control drug pricing.
That’s exactly what we are urging policymakers in Washington to do.
The new Congress will have an opportunity to effect bipartisan change on this industry and now is the time for them to act.