
[Bloomberg] Boehringer’s New Lung Drug to Cost $96,000 a Year

Oct 20, 2014

Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH priced its new treatment for a deadly lung-scarring disease at $96,000 a year, just higher than Roche Holding AG’s (ROG) competing product. Read More

[PBS NewsHour] Small group of specialty drugs could make up half of total pharmacy spending by 2018

Oct 20, 2014

Some patients are paying sky-high prices for ‘specialty medications’ when cheaper options exist, a team of researchers has found. Read More

[SF Business Times] Gilead’s $1,000-a-pill hepatitis C drug may make financial sense for prisons

Oct 20, 2014

Pricey new hepatitis C drugs, such as Gilead Sciences Inc.'s Sovaldi, may make financial sense to give to give to prisoners, one of the main groups infected with the liver-damaging virus, according to a team of Stanford University researchers. Read More

[Politico Pro] The new drug war: Health lobbies spar

Oct 15, 2014

Harvoni’s launch brought new howls about price gouging from insurers and a broad coalition of health care groups. They warn that the drugs, no matter how revolutionary, are ultimately unaffordable given the estimated 3 million Americans who may be infected with hepatitis C. Read More

[Bloomberg BNA] How Will Medicaid Plans Cover Specialty Drugs?

Oct 15, 2014

According to a recent survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation, almost every state Medicaid plan is concerned about the rising cost of specialty drugs -- specifically Sovaldi. Sovaldi is a hepatitis c drug from Gilead Sciences which costs $1,000 a pill, or $84,000 for a 12-week treatment—prices which the plans have balked at. Read More

Say What? Gilead Exec Compares Rx Spending to McDonald’s Prices

Oct 15, 2014

On the day that Gilead introduced its new $94,500 hepatitis C drug, Harvoni, Gilead Vice President of Investor Relations Patrick O'Brien went into full spin mode, telling Politico (subscription required) that Harvoni is a bargain compared to Gilead's other hep C drug, the $84,000 Sovaldi. Read More

[PoliticoPro] Tennessee Medicaid Sees $100 Million in Sovaldi Costs

Oct 14, 2014

Tennessee Medicaid Director Darin Gordon said today that his state has a $700 Read More

[WSJ] If AbbVie Discounts its Hep C Drug, Would Pricing Reach a Tipping Point?

Oct 14, 2014

Now that the FDA has approved the Harvoni treatment from Gilead Sciencesand a $94,500 price for a 12-week regimen has been established, attention is turning toward AbbVie and the steps the big drug maker must take to win market share. Read More

[The Morning Consult] The Gilead Effect

Oct 14, 2014

Perhaps no company has done as much as Gilead to propel the issue of high drug prices onto center stage or to lay bare the pharmaceutical industry’s approach to pricing new drugs. Read More

[WSJ] Will ‘Son of Sovaldi’ Cause State Medicaid Programs to Erect High Hurdles?

Oct 13, 2014

How might state Medicaid programs cope with a new and equally expensive hepatitis C treatment from Gilead Sciences. Read More

[The Fiscal Times] The $1,000 Pill That Could Cripple the VA’s Budget

Oct 8, 2014

The Department of Veterans Affairs, still reeling from a scandal over the negligent treatment of veterans seeking medical care that may have contributed to some deaths, has a new problem on its hands. Read More

[Morning Consult] Price Matters: Consumers Want Cheap, Generic Drugs

Oct 7, 2014

Consumers keep price top of mind when they purchase prescription drugs and they’re unafraid to buy against the big labels, a new Morning Consult poll found. Read More