
Doctors group joins fight against ‘skyrocketing’ drug prices

Feb 3, 2015

A national group of more than 140,000 physicians on Tuesday joined a coalition dedicated to reversing the growing trend of high-cost specialty drugs, which are being blamed for straining the finances of patients, insurance plans and public health coverage programs. Read More

American College of Physicians Joins Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing

Feb 3, 2015

The American College of Physicians, the largest medical-specialty organization and second-largest physician group in the United States, has joined the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP), a broad-based coalition working for solutions to skyrocketing prescription medicine prices. Read More

Obama’s Budget Targets High Cost of Cutting-Edge Drugs

Feb 2, 2015

With patients facing more exposure to the cost of revolutionary new medications, the budget President Barack Obama released Monday reopened a debate on whether government should use its buying power to squeeze the pharmaceutical industry for lower prices. Read More

Gilead Sciences Earnings: What to Watch

Feb 2, 2015

Gilead Sciences Inc. is scheduled to announce its fourth-quarter earnings Feb. 3. Last year, Gilead’s Sovaldi had the top-selling drug launch in history with more than $8.5 billion in sales through the end of September. Read More

Obama Health Budget Calls for Authority to Negotiate Drug Prices

Feb 2, 2015

The Obama administration’s fiscal 2016 budget request calls for allowing the government to negotiate the price of prescription drugs and giving regulators new funding to fight Ebola. Read More

Insurers eye pharma discounts beyond hepatitis C

Feb 2, 2015

The pricing battle pitting insurers and pharmacy benefit managers against drugmakers over a new breed of high-priced and highly effective treatments for hepatitis C may be a preview of tougher negotiations for coverage of other blockbuster drugs. Read More

White House bemoans ‘rapidly growing’ drug prices

Feb 2, 2015

The White House said Monday that it is "deeply concerned with the rapidly growing prices of specialty and brand name drugs," a victory for critics of pharmaceutical companies. Read More

Abbvie Expects $3B In Hepatitis C Drug Sales And 40% Of Insured Customers

Jan 30, 2015

Abbvie, the maker of one of the costly hepatitis C pills captivating Wall Street and frustrating those who pick up the tab for health care costs, says its sales of its treatment will generate more than $3 billion in annual sales in 2015. Read More

Harvard Pilgrim secures discount on Gilead’s newest hep C drug

Jan 29, 2015

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, one of the largest not-for-profit health insurers in New England, said it will save millions of dollars in hepatitis C drug costs through its negotiated pricing discount from pharmaceutical giant Gilead. Read More

Want To Control Drug Prices? Reject Price Controls

Jan 26, 2015

The past year has seen an epic confrontation pitting insurers and payers against drug companies. Read More

The People Who Brought You Cheaper Hepatitis C Drugs Are Going After Cancer Next

Jan 22, 2015

Express Scripts, which this year forced price concessions from makers of $1,000-a-day hepatitis C medicines, has set its sights on $37 billion in U.S. spending on cancer medications. Read More

High Prices for Cancer Drugs are set at Launch: ‘It’s Where the Action Is’

Jan 21, 2015

There is little question that rising prices for medicines – including many cancer treatments – is a flashpoint in the growing controversy over health care costs. Read More