
How new drugs helping millions of Americans live longer are also making them go broke

Jun 30, 2015

Around the U.S., people with serious diseases are falling through the cracks, unable to afford the medication they need. Patients with HIV, cancer, lupus, leukemia, hepatitis C and other serious conditions are paying huge out-of-pocket sums for necessary medication. These costs are putting heavy mental and financial stress on some of America’s most vulnerable people. Read More

PwC Infographic: Costs from specialty drugs skyrocketing

Jun 29, 2015

A new PricewaterhouseCoopers report on medical cost trends highlights how specialty drugs are outpacing traditional drugs in a major way. Read More

Skyrocketing specialty drug cost hurts wallets

Jun 25, 2015

The rising cost of specialty drugs to treat complex, chronic or life-threatening conditions has the potential to break the pocket books of businesses, consumers, insurance companies and the state, according to Milam Ford of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana. Read More

PRESS STATEMENT: Survey Finds Early Primary State Voters Looking for Action on Prescription Drug Prices

Jun 23, 2015

A recent study of over 2,500 voters in Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire found that prescription drug prices are becoming a hot political issue in these early primary states. The study was conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing. Read More

How to Lower Specialty Drug Prices

Jun 22, 2015

We need to make clear that monopoly grants come with responsibility and accountability, and that competition is more important to the public than a blank check for innovation we cannot afford. Read More

CalPERS approves 7.2% increase in HMO rates as drug costs climb

Jun 18, 2015

CalPERS said it spent nearly $40 million for Sovaldi on plans run by Blue Shield of California, Kaiser Permanente and CVS Health. Read More

Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

Jun 16, 2015

Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine." They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices. Read More

PRESS STATEMENT: New Kaiser Family Foundation Poll Reinforces Need for Sustainable Drug Pricing

Jun 16, 2015

John Rother, President of the National Coalition on Health Care and Chair of the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing issued the following statement in response to a recent health tracking poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation that found that an overwhelming 76% of Americans blame pharmaceutical companies for the rising cost of medicines. Read More


Jun 7, 2015


ICYMI: New poll shows 75% of Americans find Rx prices are just too high.

May 21, 2015

May 21, 2015 Morning Consult: “New Cures, Old Problems: Poll Shows Drug Read More

ICYMI: “Prescription drug prices climb into the stratosphere”

May 20, 2015

May 20, 2015 “Prescription drug prices climb into the stratosphere” Read More

UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust Joins Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing

May 20, 2015

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kara Batt (571) 239-6547 [email protected] #### Read More