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The Playbook

Big Pharma’s business-as-usual playbook relies on egregious pricing practices and rhetoric designed to set and keep drug prices high.
Egregious Practices Driving High Drug Prices

Out-of-Control Drug Prices
Brand name drug companies are responsible for setting the price of the prescription drugs in their portfolios.

Patent Abuse
Big Pharma has a long history of price-gouging American patients through tactics designed to game the U.S. patent system and block competition from more affordable alternatives — enabling Big Pharma to maintain monopolies over their biggest money-makers.
Agendas Designed to Keep Drug Prices High

Innovation Rhetoric
For far too long Big Pharma has used the false excuse that research and development (R&D) costs justify out-of-control prescription drug prices and that solutions to lower prices threaten innovation into new breakthroughs.

Blame Game
Big Pharma spends millions of dollars each year in an attempt to shift blame for high prescription drug prices onto others in the supply chain.