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SOTU: It’s Time To Come Together To Tackle Drug Prices
Feb 5, 2019
Tonight, Americans from across the country will tune-in to listen to the President’s State of the Union address. As we prepare to hear the President’s remarks, there is one subject that is sure to be on everyone’s mind: out-of-control drug prices. With one-in-four Americans unable afford their prescription drugs, it’s no wonder lowering the price of prescription drugs is voters’ top priority for Congress to address this year. Fortunately, leaders in Washington and on both sides of the aisle are answering voters’ call to action.
In anticipation of the State of the Union, this rare level of bipartisanship marks a unique opportunity for lawmakers to work together to lower drug prices and improve lives.
President Donald Trump – 2018 State of the Union Address: “One of my greatest priorities is to reduce the price of prescription drugs. In many other countries, these drugs cost far less than what we pay in the United States … That is why I have directed my administration to make fixing the injustice of high drug prices one of our top priorities. Prices will come down.” (Dan Mangan, “Trump Declares Cutting Drug Prices Is A Top Priority, Wants To Allow Patients Quick Access To Experimental Treatments,” CNBC, 1/30/18)
U.S. Health & Human Services Secretary Alex Azar: “All options are on the table to fix this system, as long as they respect drug safety and keep patients at the center. President Trump is willing to work with Republicans and Democrats to achieve lower prices. He will continue taking action until we have a truly competitive market for prescription drugs – one in which prices will finally go down, not up.” (Alex M. Azar, “Alex Azar: Why Drug Prices Keep Going Up – And Why They Need To Come Down,” STAT, 1/29/19)
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA): “I think we could find common ground on reducing the cost of prescription drugs, if the president is serious about his saying that he wants to do that.” (Nathaniel Weixel, “Pelosi Sees Possible ‘Common Ground’ With Trump On Drug Prices,” The Hill, 11/6/18)
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY): “… I can’t imagine [lowering prescription drug prices] won’t be on the agenda.” (Drew Armstrong, “McConnell Says Drug Prices Are On The Agenda, Obamacare Is Off,” Bloomberg, 11/7/18)
U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA): “On my watch, I’ll continue working across the aisle to lower drug prices, restore competition and increase transparency in the pharmaceutical industry. I welcome the incoming Democratic House Majority to join our efforts on behalf of the American taxpayers and consumers.” (Senator Chuck Grassley, “Grassley Remarks On Transparency In Prescription Drug Pricing,” Press Release, 11/29/18)
U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR): “… Mr. Chairman [Grassley], I have very much appreciated the chance to work with you on health care issues in the past, including fighting pharmaceutical price gouging and exposing rip-off by unscrupulous health care providers. In my view, there is a big opportunity in this Congress to find common ground on holding down health care costs.” (U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, “Drug Pricing In America: A Prescription For Change, Part I,” U.S. Senate Committee On Finance, 1/29/19)
U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings (D-MD): “Let me be clear: There are powerful interests here that do not want us to interfere with those massive profits. But there’s a strong bipartisan consensus that we must do something, something meaningful, to rein in the out of control price increases. Even President Trump has said that drug companies are, quote, ‘getting away with murder,’ end of quote … We need real action and meaningful reforms.” (U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings, “Examining The Actions Of Drug Companies In Raising Prescription Drug Prices,” U.S. House Committee On Oversight And Reform, 1/29/19)
U.S. Representative Mark Meadows (R-NC): “[President Trump] wanted to make sure that you knew that on [drug pricing], not only is he serious, he’s serious about working in a bipartisan way to lower prescription drug prices and when I spoke to him last night he wanted to make sure I conveyed that to you.” (U.S. Representative Mark Meadows, “Examining The Actions Of Drug Companies In Raising Prescription Drug Prices,” U.S. House Committee On Oversight And Reform, 1/29/19)
CSRxP looks forward to continuing to work with the Trump Administration and Congress to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable and advance bipartisan, market-based solutions that lower drug prices and put patients first.