
Sep 22, 2019

CSRxP Senate Battleground Poll: Voters Back Grassley-Wyden, Demand Action To Hold Big Pharma Accountable

A Decisive Majority of Voters Hold Big Pharma Responsible for Out-of-Control

Jun 6, 2019

CSRxP Survey: Vast Majority Of Americans Want Washington To Focus On Solutions That Crack Down On Big Pharma

Americans Want Policymakers to Focus on Holding Big Pharma Accountable

May 14, 2019

Fact Sheet: Big Pharma: Investing Boldly in Advertising and Profits, Not R&D

Drug prices are out of control. But Big Pharma is posting record profits.

Jan 30, 2019

Drug Pricing Overview: 116th Congress

On behalf of the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP), a nonpartisan

Jan 6, 2019

Fact Sheet: The Facts About Rising Drug Prices

Drug prices in the United States are too high and continue to skyrocket. The

Jan 6, 2019

Fact Sheet: Proposals for Change – Detailed

The current market for pricing drugs in the United States is broken