CSRxP Poll: Voters See Through Big Pharma’s Blame Game, Want Washington To Lower Drug Prices & Hold Drug Companies Accountable

Feb 7, 2022

Drug Prices Are an Important Midterm Election Issue for the Vast Majority of Voters

  • 91 Percent of voters say prescription drug prices are an important issue for them in the midterm elections, more than the COVID-19 pandemic (87 percent), including more than half of voters (53 percent) who say drug prices are “very important.”
  • >Three-in-Four: More than three-quarters of voters say it would impact their vote in the midterm elections if Congress fails to pass solutions to lower drug prices, including 40 percent who say it would have a “significant impact.”
    • 82 and 77 Percent: This includes 82 percent of Democrats and 77 percent of Republicans.

Voters Agree Both the Administration and Congress Must Do More to Lower Drug Prices

  • 65 Percent of voters say President Biden has not done enough compared to address lower drug prices compared to just 15 percent who say the administration has done enough.
  • 72 Percent of voters say Congress has not done enough to lower drug prices compared to just 11 percent who say Congress has done enough.