Real People. Real Stories.

Feb 16, 2016

Crippling drug prices have quickly become one of the hottest topics in health care. Consumers, patients, state budgets and public programs are feeling the burden, and reports show that we’re just getting started. While Members of Congress and presidential candidates don’t often agree on much, drug pricing has proven to be bigger than politics and has become a bipartisan theme on Capitol Hill.

That’s because every day, across the country, hardworking people struggle to pay for the medications they need to stay healthy. These are their stories.

For one New Hampshire voter, lowering exorbitant prescription drug prices is important because “low income people have to afford medicine.”

Voter 1

“I believe everyone should have access to affordable, lifesaving drugs,” this young voter adds.

Voter 2

For this voter, it’s simple: “People shouldn’t have to choose between eating or buying medicine.”

Voter 3

“It’s important to afford prescribed drugs,” yet sky-high price tags often threaten patient access to affordable treatments.

Voter 4

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