Q2 Earnings: Big Pharma Keeps Living the Good Life While Evading Accountability

Jul 31, 2019

Q2 Earnings: Big Pharma Keeps Living the Good Life While Evading Accountability

Drug Makers Sweep Profit Forecasts as Industry Continues to Price-Gouge American Patients

Washington, D.C. – The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) released a statement Wednesday following earnings announcements from 12 of the world’s largest brand name drug manufacturers that showed all had surpassed earnings expectations for the second quarter of 2019.

“Big Pharma is living the good life while fighting to evade accountability and continuing to price-gouge American patients,” said CSRxP executive director Lauren Aronson. “At a time when one in four Americans can’t afford their medications, brand name drug makers continue to hike prices on their products in order to rake in billions of dollars in profits.”

“The overwhelming majority of Americans want Washington to take action to hold Big Pharma accountable and lower prescription drug prices,” Aronson continued. “Big Pharma’s stubborn ‘profits over people’ mentality demonstrates why policymakers must advance bipartisan, market-based solutions that hold drug makers accountable by increasing transparency and boosting competition.”

CSRxP tracked Q2 earnings announcements from 12 brand name drug makers and noted how each company has continued to hike drug prices on American patients to boost profits in a “Big Pharma Earnings Watch” blog series:

Read CSRxP’s “Big Pharma Earnings Watch” Blog on Amgen, Eli Lilly, Merck and Pfizer HERE.

Read CSRxP’s “Big Pharma Earnings Watch” Blog on AbbVie and Sanofi HERE.

Read CSRxP’s “Big Pharma Earnings Watch” Blog on Bristol-Myers Squibb, AstraZeneca and Roche HERE.

Read CSRxP’s “Big Pharma Earnings Watch” Blog on GlaxoSmithKline HERE.

Read CSRxP’s “Big Pharma Earnings Watch” Blog on Novartis HERE.

Read CSRxP’s “Big Pharma Earnings Watch” Blog on Johnson & Johnson HERE.