CSRxP Statement on Trump Administration’s New Proposal to Lower Prescription Drug Prices

Nov 28, 2018

For Immediate Release
Contact: Lauren Blair
(201) 213-5004
[email protected]

Washington, D.C. – The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) today issued the following statement in response to an announcement from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on its new proposal to lower prescription drug prices:

“This proposal is a clear indication that the administration is serious about lowering out-of-control drug prices. The President and his team understand that when one in four Americans cannot afford their medication, Washington can’t sit idly by – it must take action.

“While we are still reviewing the details, there are many elements in this proposal that we believe will help reduce prices and hold brand manufacturers accountable for blocking competition and price-gouging patients.

“We are encouraged by the administration’s continuous action to tackle out-of-control drug prices and look forward to working with a bipartisan Congress and the White House next year to make prescription drugs more affordable and improve patients lives.”
