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CSRxP Statement on Mylan’s EpiPen Announcement
Aug 25, 2016
CSRxP Statement on Mylan’s
EpiPen Announcement
Washington, D.C. – After weeks of intense scrutiny on its pricing practices, Mylan Pharmaceuticals announced today that it would offer a coupon to patients that cannot afford life-saving EpiPens. Mylan’s public relations move does nothing to address the real affordability problem facing American families: the underlying price of the medication. The price of EpiPens has skyrocketed in recent years and is now priced at $609 for a two-pack of injectors.
After Mylan’s announcement, the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) released the following statement from Executive Director John Rother:
“Mylan’s announcement today does nothing to actually lower the price of EpiPens for the millions of kids and adults who rely on them in life-threatening situations. Instead of lowering the price—which has gone up 500 percent since 2009—Mylan is using smoke and mirrors to appear empathic. A real solution would be bringing the price down enough that people could afford EpiPens without a coupon.”