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CSRxP Praises Administration For Implementing Direct-To-Consumer Advertising Rule
May 8, 2019
Greater List Price Transparency Will Help Hold Big Pharma Accountable
Washington, D.C. – The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) today released a statement following an announcement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that drug manufacturers will be required to disclose their pricing information in direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising beginning in July:
“Today, the Administration has taken a strong first step toward boosting transparency and holding Big Pharma accountable,” said CSRxP executive director Lauren Aronson. “We applaud Secretary Azar for his leadership in this effort to bring much-needed transparency to list prices. Patients deserve to know how much their medication costs.”
“CSRxP has long supported transparency in DTC advertising as a market-based solution that will help lower drug prices,” Aronson continued. “Increasing transparency, along with boosting competition, will help hold Big Pharma accountable and lower prescription drug prices. We encourage the Administration and Congress to build off of this momentum by enacting additional market-based solutions to ensure that prescription drugs are affordable for all patients.”