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CSRxP Launches Seven-Figure Advertising Campaign to Hold Big Pharma Accountable for Egregious Drug Prices, Anti-Competitive Tactics and False Rhetoric
Sep 4, 2024
Campaign Will Add Support to Growing Bipartisan Momentum to Crack Down on Big Pharma’s Abuse of the Patent System That Extends Monopolies, Keeps Drug Prices High
Washington, D.C. – The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) launched a new seven-figure advertising campaign Wednesday. The campaign will highlight Big Pharma’s egregious pricing practices and rampant abuse of the patent system that are the root cause of high prescription drug prices in America — and encourage lawmakers to pass bipartisan, market-based solutions to hold Big Pharma accountable in order to lower prices for patients.
“CSRxP’s new campaign will expose fundamental flaws in Big Pharma’s rhetoric on drug prices, leveraging the facts and case studies in drug makers’ greed, to demonstrate why policymakers must focus on holding brand name manufacturers accountable to lower prices for patients,” said CSRxP executive director Lauren Aronson. “Despite tens of millions of dollars spent pushing false narratives, Big Pharma cannot change the reality that brand name manufacturers’ egregious pricing practices and anti-competitive tactics are the root cause of high prescription drug prices in America.”
“In addition to countering the pharmaceutical industry’s false rhetoric, the campaign will encourage lawmakers to build on growing momentum to crack down on Big Pharma’s rampant abuse of the patent system,” Aronson continued. “Congress can build on recent positive progress to lower prescription drug prices for patients by advancing bipartisan, market-based solutions to hold Big Pharma accountable for anti-competitive tactics, like patent-thicketing, that extend monopolies and block competition from more affordable alternatives.”
CSRxP’s campaign will include television and digital advertising in Washington, D.C. and target states. The first two ads released as part of the campaign can be viewed here:
Watch CSRxP’s ad “Dear Shareholders” HERE.
Watch CSRxP’s ad “Stop at Nothing” HERE.
The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) is a broad-based coalition of leaders – physicians, nurses, hospitals, consumers, health plans, PBMs, pharmacists and businesses – promoting bipartisan, market-based solutions to lower drug prices in America.
Read more about CSRxP HERE.
Read more on bipartisan, market-based solutions to hold Big Pharma accountable HERE.