Feb 28, 2025

Voters Across the Political Spectrum Identify Pharmaceutical Company Profits as the Driver of High Drug Prices and Support Market-Based Solutions to Hold Big Drug Companies Accountable

Washington, D.C. – The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) released the results of public opinion research, conducted by Fabrizio Ward, on Friday, February 28 showing American voters overwhelmingly hold Big Pharma responsible for high prescription drug prices and support market-based solutions to lower prices by holding big drug companies accountable, including for gaming the U.S. patent system to block competition.

“American voters, across all party and ideological lines, rightly hold Big Pharma responsible for the high price of prescription drugs and overwhelmingly support market-based solutions to crack down on brand name drug companies’ egregious pricing and anti-competitive practices,” said CSRxP executive director Lauren Aronson. “Voters continue to reject Big Pharma’s blame game and debunked innovation rhetoric, and share substantial concern with a host of pharmaceutical industry practices that contribute to high prices and saddle Americans with a worse deal on their medications, including egregious anti-competitive tactics, staggering spending on direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising, persistent price hikes on existing products, rising launch prices for new products, offshoring of profits to avoid U.S. taxes and more. Policymakers in Washington should recognize, and act on, the overwhelming consensus across the political spectrum to hold Big Pharma accountable to lower drug prices for the American people.”

“Results from the new national survey of voters just completed for the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing show broad and overwhelmingly bipartisan support for policy solutions to lower the cost of prescription drugs by addressing pricing and anti-competitive practices from drug companies,” pollsters Tony Fabrizio and Bob Ward wrote in a memo on their findings. “The electorate, including equal numbers of Trump and Harris Voters, holds intensely unfavorable views of drug companies. By wide margins, voters are very concerned about the cost of Rx drugs, hold drug companies responsible, and clearly identify drug company profits as the driver of high drug costs. Members of Congress, including Republicans, would ignore this extraordinary voter sentiment at their peril. In fact, Republicans on the Hill should be looking to the White House for guidance on this issue as Trump Voters trust the President over Republicans in Congress by a three-to-one margin to address the issue of prescription drug prices.”

The survey of 1,000 registered voters was commissioned by CSRxP and conducted by Fabrizio Ward from February 13-16, 2025. Read the full memo on findings from the poll HERE.

Read more on bipartisan, market-based solutions to hold Big Pharma accountable HERE.