
CSRxP Statement on Launch of AstraZeneca’s Crestor

Jul 21, 2016

“We are glad to see that the court rejected AstraZeneca’s effort to abuse the Orphan Drug Act and restrict generic competitors to Crestor,” said John Rother. “Additional competition in the prescription drug market—including generic options—is crucial to lowering prescription drug prices and providing patients with more affordable choices.” Read More

CSRxP Statement on the Costly New Abuse-Deterrent Drug Provision

Jul 8, 2016

"With this provision, policymakers are rewriting the rules to benefit pharmaceutical manufacturers for slightly tweaking their product and reintroducing it as a new 'innovation,’” CSRxP Executive Director John Rother said. Read More

CSRxP Statement on AstraZeneca seeking “Orphan Drug” designation for widely-used cholesterol drug Crestor

Jun 30, 2016

“Abusing rules and regulations to keep competitors out of the market is common in the prescription drug industry, but AstraZeneca’s latest undertaking is especially egregious." Read More

CSRxP Statement on New Data Showing Best-Selling Drug Prices Rising at Twice the Rate of Inflation

Jun 30, 2016

"When the sticker price for 30 out of 39 of the most sold drugs goes up by more than double the rate of inflation, consumers are left holding the bag. These price increases year after year compound the problem and the whole scheme is unsustainable.” Read More

CSRxP Statement on Medicare Trustees Report

Jun 22, 2016

"Prescription drug costs are rising much faster than other parts of Medicare and putting ever greater financial pressure on the program and on its beneficiaries. It’s no wonder that voters are making prescription drug prices a top issue in this election." Read More

John Rother Statement on MEDPAC Report

Jun 15, 2016

"This MEDPAC report confirms exactly what we have been saying: rising drug prices are putting a colossal burden on America’s health care system and now total nearly 20 percent of health care spending. Without market-based solutions like transparency, competition, and value, we can only expect the problem to get worse.” Read More

Statement on Senators’ Probe of Opioid Overdose Treatment Price Spikes

Jun 10, 2016

“The pharmaceutical industry’s habit of hiking prices on life-saving medications is appalling. Our campaign has been active in drawing attention to the price spikes on naloxone and we welcome this bipartisan effort to expose pharma’s price gouging tactics." Read More

John Rother on Rising Price of Opioid Overdose Treatment

May 11, 2016

"Drug companies seem to be taking advantage of increased demand for Naloxone during this public health crisis by raising the price of a literally lifesaving medication," said John Rother, executive director of the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing. Read More

S&P Report Finds Rx Prices Driving Increased Health Care Costs

May 10, 2016

"Annual prescription price hikes are driving the overall increase in health care costs and making health care less affordable for Americans. Today's S&P report confirms what we've been saying — these increases in drug cost are unsustainable — and solutions to promote transparency, increase competition, and focus on value must be advanced," said John Rother, executive director of the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP). Read More

John Rother Statement on IMS Health Report

Apr 14, 2016

“Excessive price hikes on prescription drugs drive up spending year after year with no end in sight. Drug makers' annual habit of demanding a blank check, without reference to any change in value from patients and taxpayers, makes it harder for American families to make ends meet. Ultimately, these price increases make health care more expensive for all of us, even those who don’t use prescription drugs. It’s outrageous.” Read More

John Rother Statement on Reuters Analysis of Prescription Drug Price Increases

Apr 4, 2016

“This is further evidence that skyrocketing drug prices are more widespread than a few bad actors. When major drug companies hike prices on common prescription drugs, Americans suffer. Families are forced to decide between paying for prescriptions or paying bills, and that’s wrong.” Read More

Senate Special Committee on Aging Examines Drug Pricing

Mar 17, 2016

"Companies are buying decades-old prescription drugs and jacking up prices on vulnerable patients. It’s unconscionable. We need more transparency and competition in the prescription drug market to protect Americans from this appalling practice.” Read More