Press Release

PRESS STATEMENT: Survey Finds Early Primary State Voters Looking for Action on Prescription Drug Prices

Jun 23, 2015

A recent study of over 2,500 voters in Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire found that prescription drug prices are becoming a hot political issue in these early primary states. The study was conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing. Read More


Jun 7, 2015


UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust Joins Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing

May 20, 2015

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kara Batt (571) 239-6547 [email protected] #### Read More

Press Release: New Trend Report Confirms Drug Prices On Unsustainable Path

May 13, 2015

May 13, 2015 New Drug Report Reveals Drug Costs Top $50,000/year for Over Half Read More

New Drug Report Confirms Drug Prices On Unsustainable Path

Mar 11, 2015

Reaction from National Coalition on Health Care President and CEO John Rother Read More

Speaking Engagements Broaden Discussion on Unsustainable Drug Prices

Feb 24, 2015

John Rother to Make Appearances at AMA National Advocacy Conference and National Conference of Insurance Legislators.  Read More

American College of Physicians Joins Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing

Feb 3, 2015

The American College of Physicians, the largest medical-specialty organization and second-largest physician group in the United States, has joined the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP), a broad-based coalition working for solutions to skyrocketing prescription medicine prices. Read More

SNHPA Joins Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing

Oct 27, 2014

Safety Net Hospitals for Pharmaceutical Access (SNHPA) has joined the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP), a broad-based coalition concerned about the skyrocketing cost of prescription medicines. Read More

AHF Joins National Coalition on Health Care’s ‘Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing’

Sep 17, 2014

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest global AIDS organization and an outspoken advocate against runaway drug pricing for lifesaving HIV/AIDS and other medications, has teamed with the National Coalition on Health Care and others on the ‘Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing’ to spotlight what the group characterizes as “unsustainable and abusive” prices for some medicines. Read More

[NCHC] Earnings Report Shows Gilead Can Lower Sovaldi’s Unsustainable Price

Jul 23, 2014

Statement from the National Coalition on Health Care’s President and CEO Read More