Press Release

Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing Announces Addition of Physician Group

Sep 27, 2016

“CAPG’s physicians experience the impact high prescription drug prices have on patients every day,” said CSRxP Executive Director John Rother. “When people cannot afford their medications because of the costly price tag, it’s harder to get and stay healthy. For CAPG physicians and their patients, prescription drug pricing is personal.” Read More

CSRxP Statement on Congressional Hearing to Investigate EpiPen Price Hikes

Sep 22, 2016

"The consequences of unaccountable price increases for EpiPens are felt every day by millions of families across the country. Sadly, this is just the latest example of drug companies trying to justify their skyrocketing price increases." Read More

EpiPen Pricing Resources

Sep 21, 2016

Our new fact sheet illustrates how EpiPens as one example of many where drug companies institute major price hikes that compound year after year. Read More

Sustainable Drug Pricing Campaign Endorses Bipartisan Legislation

Sep 15, 2016

Sustainable Drug Pricing Campaign Endorses Bipartisan Legislation Read More

ACHP Joins Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing

Sep 12, 2016

“ACHP’s expertise as a national leader in tackling health care challenges is invaluable and we are glad to have them on board," said CSRxP Executive Director John Rother. “Patient-centered community health systems work with families struggling every day to afford costly prescription drugs, and those medications are only getting more expensive.” Read More

CSRxP Statement on Mylan’s EpiPen Announcement

Aug 25, 2016

After weeks of intense scrutiny on its pricing practices, Mylan Pharmaceuticals announced today that it would offer a coupon to patients that cannot afford life-saving EpiPens. Mylan’s public relations move does nothing address the real affordability problem facing American families: the underlying price of the medication. Read More

New CMS Report Shows Prescription Drug Price Hikes Are Adding Up for Taxpayers

Aug 18, 2016

“Prescription drug prices rise faster than inflation every year and taxpayers are footing the bill for these higher prices. Even if you don’t take a medication, you’re paying for it," Rother noted. Read More

Avalere’s Recent Drug Cost Study: Critically Flawed

Aug 12, 2016

It’s widely known that prescription drug prices are on the rise, but a new study attempts to undermine the role skyrocketing prescription drug prices play in increasing health care costs. The truth is that the study is critically flawed. Read More

Campaign Launches Nationwide Effort to Highlight Voter Concerns Over Rising Prescription Drug Prices

Jul 11, 2016

“Voters across the country are calling for action by their elected officials to make sure patients and families don’t have to choose between filling a prescription and putting food on the table,” said CSRxP Executive Director John Rother. “The trend of rising drug prices needs to be addressed, and we expect voters will take that message – and a call for solutions – to candidates at all levels this fall.” Read More

CSRxP Announces Support for Bipartisan CREATES Act

Jun 20, 2016

The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) announced its endorsement of the Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples (“CREATES”) Act, a bill introduced today in the Unites States Senate. Read More

American Gastroenterological Association Joins Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing

Jun 8, 2016

The American Gastroenterological Association announced today that it has joined the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing, a broad-based campaign working to curb rising drug costs. AGA, which has 16,000 members involved in all aspects of gastroenterology around the globe, adds its voice to the hospitals, physicians, pharmacists, nurses, health plans, patients, and employers already promoting CSRxP’s solutions of transparency, competition, and value in the prescription drug market. Read More

Proposals for Change: Transparency, Competition and Value

Apr 25, 2016

Drug prices in the United States are too high and sharply rising prescription drug prices threaten the affordability of health care and the vitality of our entire economy. CSRxP has developed market-based reforms that restore a functioning market by increasing transparency, promoting competition and innovation, and that result in value. Read More