Press Release

CSRxP on PhRMA’s Multimillion-Dollar PR Campaign

Jan 23, 2017

"No amount of advertising will make hardworking families forget the consequences of their out-of-control drug costs." Read More

High-Priced Drugs Driving Increased Taxpayer Spending, HHS Report Shows

Jan 5, 2017

A new HHS Office of the Inspector General report finds that high-priced prescription drugs are threatening the sustainability of the taxpayer-funded Medicare Part D program. Read More

CSRxP Blasts Novo Nordisk’s Plans for Prescription Price Hikes

Dec 7, 2016

Based on Novo Nordisk’s announcement, it is clear that the company will continue to hike insulin prices, despite the financial burdens already facing patients. “The prescription drug market is clearly broken when limiting yearly price increases to ten percent is considered bighearted,” said John Rother. Read More

CSRxP Praises President-Elect’s Commitment to Lower Prescription Drug Prices

Dec 7, 2016

"We are encouraged to see the president-elect is ready to take action. We look forward to working with the new Administration and the new Congress to find solutions to fix the broken prescription drug market, and to help make life-saving medications more affordable for the patients who need them.” Read More

Straight Talk for Pharma

Dec 7, 2016

The drug industry is front and center in a national dialogue. How do we make sure patients around the world can get the medicines they need? Can we balance costs and the need for innovation? Pharma leaders answer Forbes’ questions – and yours. Read More

Prices Skyrocket for Drugs Used to Treat Some of the Most Prevalent Health Conditions Facing Americans

Nov 30, 2016

“Millions of Americans rely on prescription drugs to get and stay healthy. The challenges of dealing with a health condition are only made worse when pharmaceutical companies take advantage of patients and raising prices where they see an increased market opportunity,” said CSRxP Executive Director John Rother. Read More

American Diabetes Association calls on Congress to hold hearings on insulin prices

Nov 18, 2016

The American Diabetes Association's board of directors is calling on Congress to hold hearings to investigate dramatic increases in insulin prices and to take action to ensure that people have affordable access to the essential drug. Read More

Congressional Scrutiny Alone Is Not Enough to Lower Prescription Drug Prices

Nov 17, 2016

“The newly-elected Congress has a mandate to pass market-based solutions, such as legislation that would give patients more choices in their medications. Lowering drug prices is the number one healthcare issue for voters — and elected officials are going to continue to hear from their constituents until drug prices are more affordable.” Read More

Report: Prescription Drug Price Growth Highest Since 1992

Nov 11, 2016

"We urge the new administration and the new Congress to immediately address the rising cost of healthcare by delivering solutions that increase transparency, competition and value in the prescription drug market, and we look forward to working together to make drugs more affordable for citizens across the country.” Read More

Campaign Continues to Grow with Additional Physician Voices

Nov 3, 2016

“The addition of the well-respected Society of General Internal Medicine is crucial as CSRxP continues to build a broad partnership of leaders from every corner of healthcare that are dedicated to fixing the broken prescription drug market,” said CSRxP Executive Director John Rother. Read More

POLL: Voters Name Affordable Prescription Drugs Top Healthcare Priority

Oct 28, 2016

“Right now, the most pressing healthcare issue for voters is making prescription drugs affordable for those who need them. Voters are expecting action from the next president and their newly-elected Congress to fix this problem.” Read More

New Report Shows Prescription Drug Price Hikes Force Hospitals to Pay More for Medication

Oct 11, 2016

“Rising drug prices are making trips to the hospital more expensive no matter where you live,” said John Rother, executive director of the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP). “It’s price gouging on the most vulnerable, pure and simple, and Americans are fed up.” Read More