Press Release

37 Signatories Call on Congress to Pass CREATES Act

Sep 20, 2017

37 signatories have called on Congress to pass the Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples (CREATES) Act. This coalition represents a broad-based and diverse cross-section of stakeholders – including providers and payers, physicians and consumers, businesses and unions – all of whom have come together in strong support of this important legislation. Read More

CSRxP Calls for Further Action on Rx Prices

Jul 12, 2017

CSRxP spokesman Will Holley releases statement following House passage of FDA user fee legislation. Read More

CSRxP Highlights Big Pharma’s Price Gouging Tactics With New Spot: “The Right”

Jun 19, 2017

“The Right” highlights examples of Big Pharma’s price-gouging tactics, such as Miacalcin’s 3,200% price hike, Daraprim’s 5,000% price hike, and doxycycline’s 9,000% price increase in just six months. These price hikes are part of a longstanding pattern that show no sign of slowing down - in fact, a recent report showed that there were more price hikes in the first quarter of 2017 than there were in the first quarter of 2016. Read More

CSRxP Rolls Out Latest Ad: “Priorities”

May 18, 2017

It's time for Big Pharma to get their priorities straight: American's deserve open and honest prescription drug pricing. Read More

Association for Community Affiliated Plans Joins CSRxP

May 10, 2017

“The people served by ACAP’s members are among the most vulnerable to the out-of-control prices of prescription medications and they have first-hand experience with the effect that Big Pharma’s pricing policies have on real people every day,” said John Rother, Executive Director of CSRxP. Read More

CSRxP Applauds PhRMA’s Newfound Commitment to R&D

May 9, 2017

“If PhRMA’s members are serious about their commitment to affordability, we invite them to join us in supporting common-sense, bipartisan reforms like the CREATES and FAST Generics Acts that address equally-egregious, though less-publicized, anticompetitive abuses as the ones that prompted this change in policy.” Read More

CSRxP Statement on President Trump’s Meeting With Big Pharma Executives

May 8, 2017

“Transparency is one of the keys to market-based reforms that will lead to lower prices and ensure that taxpayers receive a real return on their investment." Read More

CSRxP Launches National Campaign to Hold Big Pharma Accountable

May 2, 2017

CSRxP has launched a national campaign as part of a multi-million-dollar effort to hold Big Pharma accountable for their out-of-control prescription drug prices. Because Big Pharma blocks competition to maintain monopolies on medicines, they can set any price they want. Read More

CSRxP Applauds Introduction of FAST Generics Act

Apr 7, 2017

"The FAST Generics Act represents market-based reforms that will increase competition and ensure that lifesaving medications can safely reach patients at an affordable price." Read More

American Academy of Family Physicians Joins CSRxP

Apr 6, 2017

American Academy of Family Physicians Joins CSRxP The Campaign for Sustainable Read More

CSRxP Calls For Further Action on Rx Prices

Mar 3, 2017

"We must ‘bring down the artificially high price of drugs and bring them down immediately.’ That’s what the President said in his address to Congress – and the American people agree. Read More

CSRxP Applauds Trump Administration’s Focus on Lowering Prescription Drug Prices

Jan 31, 2017

We applaud President Trump for making the out-of-control prices of prescription drugs a priority in his Administration. Read More