News & Highlights

ICYMI: High Drug Costs Impact Wall Street and Spark a New Initiative in the White House

Apr 28, 2015

April 28, 2015 Note: Distributing the New York Times article below is not an Read More

ICYMI: Two WSJ Articles Highlight High Drug Prices

Apr 27, 2015

Two-fer ICYMI: Two WSJ Articles Highlight High Drug Read More

National Coalition on Health Care highlights the impact of rising specialty drug prices

Apr 24, 2015

Originally published on Read More

Are Skyrocketing Drug Prices Really Needed for Innovation?

Apr 22, 2015

Are Skyrocketing Drug Prices Really Needed for Innovation?   Amgen’s Read More

ICYMI: National Journal article features CSRxP’s White Paper

Apr 21, 2015

This morning, the National Journal published an article regarding an increase in public concern over the high cost of prescription drugs. The article references CSRxP’s white paper, “Specialty Drug Hyperinflation: The Risk to Patients and the Health Care System.” Read More

Vertex’s Kalydeco combo could run payers $10M-plus per life, PBM figures

Apr 13, 2015

Sky-high drug prices have been causing their fair share of consternation among payers lately, and industry watchers have suspected for a while now that Vertex ($VRTX) will stir the pot when its new cystic fibrosis combo--expected to win FDA approval later this year--hits the market. But just how much will payers need to shell out for the new med over time? Prime Therapeutics has some ideas. Read More

CVS girds for battle over cholesterol drugs

Feb 17, 2015

Drug retail giant CVS Health Corp. is girding to do battle with pharmaceutical companies over a coming class of cholesterol drugs that CVS says could cost the nation’s health-care system $150 billion a year. Read More

On health-care prices, Obama goes where Obamacare doesn’t

Feb 9, 2015

Ever since Obamacare took effect, Republicans have warned of mission creep: that a law bringing more government regulation to health care would eventually morph into single-payer. Read More

Doctors group joins fight against ‘skyrocketing’ drug prices

Feb 3, 2015

A national group of more than 140,000 physicians on Tuesday joined a coalition dedicated to reversing the growing trend of high-cost specialty drugs, which are being blamed for straining the finances of patients, insurance plans and public health coverage programs. Read More

Obama Health Budget Calls for Authority to Negotiate Drug Prices

Feb 2, 2015

The Obama administration’s fiscal 2016 budget request calls for allowing the government to negotiate the price of prescription drugs and giving regulators new funding to fight Ebola. Read More

Insurers eye pharma discounts beyond hepatitis C

Feb 2, 2015

The pricing battle pitting insurers and pharmacy benefit managers against drugmakers over a new breed of high-priced and highly effective treatments for hepatitis C may be a preview of tougher negotiations for coverage of other blockbuster drugs. Read More

White House bemoans ‘rapidly growing’ drug prices

Feb 2, 2015

The White House said Monday that it is "deeply concerned with the rapidly growing prices of specialty and brand name drugs," a victory for critics of pharmaceutical companies. Read More