
The Price for Lowering Cholesterol

Sep 9, 2015

The hepatitis C drugs, which cured a vast majority of patients in clinical trials, are essentially a one-time cost. The cholesterol drugs, by contrast, will be taken for a lifetime. At these rates, the lifetime costs could be staggering. Read More

Insurers begin to review coverage of costly cholesterol drugs

Aug 28, 2015

“With several game-changing medications in the pipeline, we need to address the underlying issue of how these prices are set from the start before they hit the market,” John Rother, leader of the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing, said in a statement. Read More

Prescription Drug Pricing: Give the People What They Want

Aug 25, 2015

Our effort—the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Prices—has been sounding the alarm for more than a year that pharmaceutical companies must come to the table with meaningful solutions to the challenge of rising drug costs. Otherwise, companies risk the rising tide of consumer anger resulting in solutions that are not constructive for anyone. Read More

High Cost Drugs Threaten the Sustainability of Medicare

Jul 30, 2015

This is an important time to think about the future of programs and policies that support us as we age. Medicare marks its 50th Anniversary at the end of July. I’ve been around to witness much of the creation and evolution of health policy. After a 40-year career in Aging and Health Policy, first in the Senate, then at AARP, and now as head of the National Coalition on Health Care, I have a few observations about where things stand. Read More

The Hill: FDA approves cholesterol drug with $15,000 yearly price tag

Jul 24, 2015

“Breakthrough treatments such as Praluent hold tremendous medical promise for certain patients, but its price tag makes us question how long the health system can sustain these costs for patients managing chronic conditions over several years," John Rother, president of the National Coalition on Health Care, said in a statement. Read More

Drug Companies Pushed From Far and Wide to Explain High Prices

Jul 23, 2015

As complaints grow about exorbitant drug prices, pharmaceutical companies are coming under pressure to disclose the development costs and profits of those medicines and the rationale for charging what they do. Read More

Doctors Object to High Cancer-Drug Prices

Jul 23, 2015

Amid the growing clamor, cancer medication has drawn particular ire. The average price of new cancer drugs in the U.S. increased five- to tenfold over 15 years, to more than $100,000 a year in 2012, according to the Mayo Clinic journal editorial. Read More

Cancer experts call for curbs on rising drug prices

Jul 23, 2015

In recent years, increasingly specialized medications and an aging population that takes more drugs have substantially boosted the price of treatments for cancer, hepatitis C, cystic fibrosis and other diseases. Read More

$1,000-per-pill drug overtaken by pricier successor

Jul 11, 2015

The $1,000 pill for a liver-wasting viral infection that made headlines last year is no longer the favorite of patients and doctors. The new leading pill for hepatitis C is more expensive, and the number of patients seeking a cure has surged. Read More

How new drugs helping millions of Americans live longer are also making them go broke

Jun 30, 2015

Around the U.S., people with serious diseases are falling through the cracks, unable to afford the medication they need. Patients with HIV, cancer, lupus, leukemia, hepatitis C and other serious conditions are paying huge out-of-pocket sums for necessary medication. These costs are putting heavy mental and financial stress on some of America’s most vulnerable people. Read More

PwC Infographic: Costs from specialty drugs skyrocketing

Jun 29, 2015

A new PricewaterhouseCoopers report on medical cost trends highlights how specialty drugs are outpacing traditional drugs in a major way. Read More

Skyrocketing specialty drug cost hurts wallets

Jun 25, 2015

The rising cost of specialty drugs to treat complex, chronic or life-threatening conditions has the potential to break the pocket books of businesses, consumers, insurance companies and the state, according to Milam Ford of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana. Read More