
[WSJ] How Much? Some Generic Drug Prices Are Skyrocketing: Analysis

Aug 14, 2014

A new analysis finds that half of all generic drugs sold through retailers became more expensive over the past 12 months. In fact, the prices paid by pharmacies more than doubled for one out of 11 generics. Read More

[WSJ] Paying for the Thousand-Dollar Pill

Aug 4, 2014

In The Wall Street Journal, AHIP President and CEO Karen Ignagni writes that Read More

[SFGate] At $1,000 a pill, Sovaldi will bankrupt us

Aug 3, 2014

How much can we afford to pay for one drug? How much profit does one company Read More

[The New York Times] $1,000 Hepatitis Pill Shows Why Fixing Health Costs Is So Hard

Aug 2, 2014

A new drug for the liver disease hepatitis C is scaring people. Read More

[SFGate] Gilead hepatitis C pill reaches $3.48 billion in quarterly sales

Jul 23, 2014

“The fundamental concern is Sovaldi and other speciality drugs are going Read More

[NCHC] Earnings Report Shows Gilead Can Lower Sovaldi’s Unsustainable Price

Jul 23, 2014

Statement from the National Coalition on Health Care’s President and CEO Read More

[SFGate] Costly hepatitis C drugs could add $300 to every American’s yearly premium, CVS says

Jul 21, 2014

Gilead Sciences’ new hepatitis C drug receives as much praise for its Read More

[Market Watch] CVS officials say Sovaldi pricing in line with history, but unsustainable

Jul 20, 2014

Gilead Sciences’ controversial $1,000-a-day Sovaldi pill is priced in line Read More

[SF Business Times ] Three takeaways from Gilead’s Hepatitis C challenge

Jul 18, 2014

1. It’s all about price — even when it’s not: Even before Foster Read More

[The New York Times] $300,000 Drug

Jul 18, 2014

There is one other way that Kalydeco is an excellent example of personalized Read More

[NCHC] Where is the Value in Overpricing Innovative Treatments?

Jul 17, 2014

At $1,000 per pill, the price of the new hepatitis C drug Sovaldi has Read More

[WSJ] Will Gilead’s Hepatitis C Drug Bust State Budgets?

Jul 17, 2014

Will the cost of new hepatitis C treatments bust state budgets? A new analysis Read More