Blog Posts

THEY SAID IT! Drug Companies Have Been Warned

Jan 31, 2019

Drug Companies Have Been Warned: House & Senate Chairmen & Ranking Read More

Second Opinion: R&D Is Not To Blame For Skyrocketing Drug Costs

Jan 17, 2019

The jig is up – a new report showsthat “the skyrocketing cost of many Read More

Second Opinion: No, Big Pharma Is Not Changing

Jan 11, 2019

Right on cue, dozens of pharmaceutical companies rang in the new year by Read More

Second Opinion: Big Pharma’s Back At It

Dec 3, 2018

If at first you don’t succeed try, try again.  That’s the old adage Big Read More

It’s Time To Go To Work To Lower Prescription Drug Prices

Nov 12, 2018

Now that the midterms are over, it is now time for candidates to do what they Read More

On Message: Big Pharma Executives Double Down On Monopolistic Business Strategy

Nov 6, 2018

Executives of three major drug manufacturers – Pfizer, Merck and AbbVie – Read More

Voters want solutions to out-of-control drug prices

Nov 2, 2018

The American economy may be booming and paychecks may be growing Read More

SECOND OPINION: Don’t Be Fooled.  Drug Companies Are Responsible For High Drug Prices

Oct 23, 2018

Repeating the same false claim over and over again doesn’t make it true.  Read More

Second Opinion: The Truth About The Big Pharma Bailout

Sep 25, 2018

In their latest attempt to make billions of dollars on the backs of patients, Read More

Stop Big Pharma’s $4 Billion Bailout

Sep 21, 2018

As the country is hoping for lower drug prices, more affordable care Read More

SECOND OPINION: Big Pharma Continues Pointing Fingers for Excessive Drug Prices

Sep 12, 2018

Apparently, when it comes to out-of-control drug prices, everyone’s to blame Read More

Second Opinion: The Real Source of Rising Drug Prices

Sep 10, 2018

Big Pharma is always eager to play the blame game – attempting to divert Read More