Blog Posts

THEY SAID IT! Lawmakers Vow Action To Lower Insulin Prices & Criticize Pharma For Price-Gouging, Blame Game

Apr 11, 2019

Today, the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Read More

“DOSE OF REALITY” | Calling Big Pharma’s Bluff On PBMs: Part V

Apr 9, 2019

Big Pharma has tried to evade culpability for the crisis of rising Read More

“DOSE OF REALITY” Calling Big Pharma’s Bluff On PBMs: Part IV

Apr 8, 2019

Big Pharma has tried to evade culpability for the crisis of rising Read More

“DOSE OF REALITY” Calling Big Pharma’s Bluff On PBMs: Part III

Apr 7, 2019

Big Pharma has tried to evade culpability for the crisis of rising Read More

Second Opinion: Rebate Rule Would be Revolutionary … For Big Pharma

Apr 5, 2019

Nothing in Proposed Rule Guarantees Prices Will Come Down by Full Amount of Read More

“DOSE OF REALITY” Calling Big Pharma’s Bluff On PBMs: Part II

Apr 5, 2019

Big Pharma has tried to evade culpability for the crisis of rising Read More

“DOSE OF REALITY”  Calling Big Pharma’s Bluff On PBMs: Part I

Apr 4, 2019

Big Pharma has tried to evade culpability for the crisis of rising Read More

THEY SAID IT! Lawmakers Blast Insulin Price Hikes, Call For Drug Price Action And Question The Rebate Rule

Apr 3, 2019

On Tuesday, the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Read More

They Said It! Lawmakers Advance Key Drug Pricing Bills

Mar 28, 2019

House Energy & Commerce Members Recommit To Bipartisan Action As Critical Read More

Second Opinion: Rebate Rule Will Hike Premiums On Seniors

Mar 12, 2019

Lowering prescription drug prices is a laudable focus of the Trump Read More

THEY SAID IT! U.S. House Ways & Means Subcommittee Pushes For Increased Competition To Lower Drug Prices

Mar 8, 2019

On Thursday, members of the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means Read More

THEY SAID IT! Senators On Aging Committee Join Call For Action In Washington To Alleviate Rising Burden Of Prescription Drug Prices

Mar 6, 2019

On Wednesday, five American patients gave eye-opening testimony to members of Read More