Campaign Launches Nationwide Effort to Highlight Voter Concerns Over Rising Prescription Drug Prices

Jul 11, 2016
Campaign Launches Nationwide Effort to Highlight Voter Concerns Over Rising Prescription Drug Prices
Shares market-based solutions with key policymakers in battleground states
Washington, D.C. – Today (July 11) the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) announced the launch of a nationwide initiative to highlight voters’ concerns over high prescription drug prices, and also introduce its market-based solutions to voters, candidates, and elected officials.
“Voters across the country are calling for action by their elected officials to make sure patients and families don’t have to choose between filling a prescription and putting food on the table,” said CSRxP Executive Director John Rother. “The trend of rising drug prices needs to be addressed, and we expect voters will take that message – and a call for solutions – to candidates at all levels this fall.”
CSRxP undertook a similar effort last summer to bring rising prescription drug prices to the attention of presidential candidates as they stumped in early-voting states, and it continues to be a hot-button issue in the 2016 election. Republican and Democrat voters alike cite skyrocketing prescription drug prices as one of their top healthcare priorities. The issue has also received increased attention in Washington as lawmakers in Congress have convened recent hearings and introduced bipartisan legislation focused on drug pricing.
“The response from voters and candidates has been tremendous,” Rother said. “On both sides of the aisle, candidates are connecting with stories from real voters about the challenges of affording their medication. I think it’s one reason lawmakers have made curbing rising drug prices a priority.”
Echoing voters’ concerns, CSRxP recently unveiled a set of market-based solutions to address the broken prescription drug market, focusing in particular on increasing competition, transparency and value. The Campaign’s diverse membership includes hospitals, physicians, pharmacists, nurses, consumers, health plans, and employers.