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Campaign Continues to Grow with Additional Physician Voices
Nov 3, 2016
Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing Continues to Grow
with Additional Physician Voices
The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) today announced that the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) has joined the Campaign. SGIM is a national medical society of 3,500 physicians who are the primary internal medicine faculty of nearly every medical school and major teaching hospital in the United States.
SGIM joins the broad-based partnership working to curb rising prescription drug prices that already includes hospitals, physicians, nurses, consumers, health plans, pharmacists, and employers.
“The addition of the well-respected Society of General Internal Medicine is crucial as CSRxP continues to build a broad partnership of leaders from every corner of healthcare that are dedicated to fixing the broken prescription drug market,” said CSRxP Executive Director John Rother. “The physicians of the SGIM have vital insight into challenges patients face affording their medication as they try to get and stay healthy. Physicians’ insights will be key as the Campaign collaborates to put prescription drug pricing on a more sustainable path forward for patients.”
“The high cost of prescription drugs is one of most difficult challenges that our patients face,” said Eileen Reynolds, MD, President of SGIM and a physician at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. “This is a very important problem to solve, and we look forward to working with the members of the campaign to help find solutions.”
The SGIM’s addition comes during CSRxP’s nationwide initiative to highlight voters’ concerns over high prescription drug prices and introduce its market-based solutions to voters, candidates, and elected officials. CSRxP’s recently unveiled set of market-based solutions would address the broken prescription drug market by focusing on increasing competition, transparency and value.
About the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing
The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) is a project of the National Coalition on Health Care Action Fund. We are a nonpartisan coalition of organizations informing the debate on drug pricing and finding bipartisan, market-based solutions to lower drug prices in the United States. Members represent hospitals, physicians, nurses, consumers, health plans, pharmacists, and employers. For more information, please visit www.CSRxP.org and follow CSRxP on Twitter.
About the Society of General Internal Medicine
SGIM is a member-based international association of over 3,500 of the world’s leading academic general internists, who are dedicated to improving access to care for vulnerable populations, eliminating health care disparities and enhancing medical education. The members of the Society advance the practice of medicine through their commitment to providing comprehensive, coordinated, and cost-effective care to adults, educating the next generation of outstanding physicians, and conducting cutting-edge research to improve quality of care and clinical outcomes of all patients. Connect with SGIM on Facebook at facebook.com/SocietyGIM or on Twitter at @SocietyGIM or #ProudtobeGIM.