Big Pharma spends millions of dollars each year in an attempt to shift blame for high prescription drug prices onto others in the supply chain.

In fact, in 2022 and 2023, Big Pharma spent at least $275 million fighting against drug pricing solutions and pushing this debunked blame game designed to evade accountability, point a finger at others in the supply chain and keep prescription drug prices high.

Get a Dose of Reality on Big Pharma’s Blame Game

$ 52 Million

According to a November 2023 report in POLITICO, PhRMA donated more than $50 million to dark money groups in 2022 to oppose prescription drug pricing solutions in Congress.

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By a margin of 76 percent, the vast majority of U.S. voters agree with the statement, “Lawmakers in Congress should reject the pharmaceutical industry’s blame game targeting others in the supply chain, and instead focus on holding brand name drug companies accountable to lower prescription drug prices” after being told, “the pharmaceutical industry has waged a multi-year campaign seeking to blame others in the prescription drug supply chain for high drug costs, including pointing a finger at pharmacy benefit managers and hospitals,” according to a 2023 poll from CSRxP.