CSRxP POLL: American Voters Overwhelmingly Agree Big Pharma Should Suspend Price Hikes During Pandemic

Jun 6, 2020

American Voters Overwhelmingly Agree Big Pharma Should Suspend Price Hikes.

  • 83 Percent: More than 80 percent of voters believe drug companies should suspend all price increases on their products while the nation deals with the economic impact of COVID-19.
  • More Than 3 in 4: More than three-quarters of Americans agree that Big Pharma should cancel biennial summer price hikes.

A Majority of American Voters Are More Concerned About the Affordability of Prescription Drugs as a Result of COVID-19.

  • 3 in 5: Three-fifths of survey respondents reported the coronavirus pandemic has made them more concerned about the affordability of prescription drugs.

Voters Overwhelmingly Agree Drug Prices are a Top Priority Issue.

  • 90 Percent: 90 percent of American voters view prescription drug prices as “very important” or “somewhat important” among every issue confronting Americans.