CSRxP: U.S. House Adds to Unprecedented Momentum to Hold Big Pharma Accountable with Passage of Rx Solutions in Build Back Better

Nov 19, 2021

Congress Must Capitalize on Historic Opportunity to Lower Drug Prices, Reject Pharma-Backed Policies That Would Hike Health Care Premiums

Washington, D.C. – The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) released a statement Friday in response to the U.S. House passage of drug pricing provisions contained in the Build Back Better Act.

“CSRxP applauds House lawmakers for advancing prescription drug pricing solutions as part of the Build Back Better Act that add to the unprecedented momentum to hold Big Pharma accountable and deliver relief from out-of-control prices for the American people,” said CSRxP executive director Lauren Aronson. “CSRxP commends lawmakers for advancing solutions to cap out-of-pocket costs for seniors and keep drug companies price hikes below the rate of inflation. We look forward to continuing to work with policymakers on additional, market-based solutions to address the crisis of prescription drug affordability created by Big Pharma’s egregious pricing practices.”

“As this legislation moves to the Senate, CSRxP encourages lawmakers to remain focused on advancing solutions that will lower prescription drug prices by holding Big Pharma accountable and reject pharma-backed proposals, like a ban on rebates, that would hike seniors’ premiums and boost drug companies’ profits,” Aronson continued. “American voters are watching closely to see whether policymakers in Washington will seize this historic opportunity to deliver on repeated promises to lower drug prices and hold Big Pharma accountable.”

Learn more about why pharma-backed proposals targeting rebates would harm America’s seniors and are the wrong medicine for drug pricing reform HERE.

Learn more about American voters’ overwhelming support for solutions to hold Big Pharma accountable HERE.

Learn more about market-based solutions to hold Big Pharma accountable and lower prescription drug prices HERE.