Insulin Hearing Will Add To Drug Pricing Momentum On Capitol Hill 

Apr 1, 2019

CSRxP Commends House Energy & Commerce Committee For Giving Voice To Patients Struggling To Afford Their Medication

Washington, D.C. – The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) released a statement today ahead of a U.S. House  Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing Tuesday on rising insulin prices:

“We commend Subcommittee Chair DeGette (D-CO) and Ranking Member Guthrie (R-KY) for holding another critical hearing on the rising price of insulin.  Parents across the country are struggling to afford insulin for their children and oftentimes are forced to turn to rationing prescriptions – sometimes with deadly consequences,” said CSRxP executive director Lauren Aronson.  “The ability of patients to afford medication should never be a matter of life or death.”

“Hearing from patients and medical professionals who struggle with and witness the cost of sky-high prescription drug prices is critical to continuing to build momentum in Congress to tackle this crisis,” Aronson continued.  “We encourage Members of Congress to hold Big Pharma accountable and enact bipartisan, market-based solutions to rein in out-of-control drug prices.”