CSRxP Applauds House Lawmakers For Keeping Momentum Going On Key Drug Price Legislation

Mar 27, 2019

U.S. House Committee On Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee Will Markup Several Prescription Drug Bills Wednesday

Washington, D.C. – The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) today released a statement ahead of a bill markup in the U.S. House Committee on Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Health on a number of crucial, bipartisan drug pricing measures:

“We applaud committee leaders in Congress who are moving the ball down the field for American patients and consumers by giving critical measures that increase competitiveness and bring down prices the opportunity to advance,” said CSRxP executive director Lauren Aronson.  “Solutions like the CREATES Act, Purple Book Continuity Act of 2019, Orange Book Transparency Act of 2019 and addressing pay-for-delay will crack down on the tactics employed by Big Pharma to stifle competition and raise prices, delivering real relief for the millions of Americans struggling to afford their medications.”

The bill markup in the House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee Wednesday will mark the ninth committee hearing this Congress on the issue of rising prescription drug costs.

“The momentum to pass concrete measures that will curb the crisis of rising prescription drug costs has never been greater,” Aronson continued.  “Lawmakers must capitalize on this moment to deliver for American patients and consumers by advancing and passing these key bills.”