Headlines: Lawmakers, Patients, Experts Keep-Up Drumbeat For Action On Drug Prices

Mar 9, 2019

Three More Congressional Hearings Tackle Big Pharma’s Anti-Competitive Practices  

This week, the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, U.S. House Ways & Means Subcommittee on Health and U.S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust kept up the pace of activity on prescription drug pricing with a series of hearings on the issue.

Members of Congress heard from patients and policy experts who testified that Big Pharma’s anti-competitive tactics are prohibiting access to life-saving medications and harming American consumers.

Momentum has been building in Washington as lawmakers of both parties commit to take concrete action to bring down the out-of-control price of prescription drugs.  Members of Congress have vowed to fight for solutions that boost competition, including making it easier for generics and biosimilars to enter the market swiftly and safely.

The activity this week sends a strong signal to patients that this issue will continue to be a top priority in the 116thCongress.  There have now been six hearings held on drug pricing since January, with at least two hearings slated for the coming week.  CSRxP looks forward to working with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to enact market-based solutions that hold Big Pharma accountable and lower drug prices for patients.

National & Local Headlines Highlight Key Takeaways From Hearings This Week In Congress: