Headlines: Big Pharma Reboots Tired Tactics During Hill Grilling

Feb 28, 2019

Testimony from Seven Drug Makers Showcases Continued Unwillingness to Take Responsibility, Become Part of the Solution

On Tuesday, executives from seven of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world – including AbbVie, Bristol Myers Squibb, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Sanofi, AstraZeneca and Merck – testified before the Senate Committee on Finance on the crisis of prescription drug prices.  The hearing, the second held by the committee this year on drug pricing, underlines the strong, bipartisan commitment in Washington to hold Big Pharma accountable for its price gouging tactics.

Unfortunately, as expected, Big Pharma executives re-upped their traditional playbook: reciting feel-good rhetoric about their commitment to patients and playing the blame game, pointing fingers at the supply chain instead of taking responsibility for their industry’s practices and price gouging.  Read CSRxP’s full statement on the Tuesday hearing HERE.

National headlines coming out of the hearing underscored the growing, bipartisan momentum in Congress to hold drug makers accountable and called-out Big Pharma for their tactics aimed at deflection rather than solutions.

National Headlines on Big Pharma’s Grilling Before Congress:

National Headlines On Big Pharma Playing The Blame Game:

As additional hearings are scheduled and lawmakers weigh drug pricing legislation, CSRxP hopes that Congress keeps up the momentum to hold drug manufacturers accountable and works together to enact bipartisan, market-based solutions that make prescription drugs more affordable for patients.