EpiPen Pricing Resources

Sep 21, 2016

EpiPen Pricing Resources

The Campaign for Sustainable Drug Pricing has produced new materials  on EpiPen pricing. Our new fact sheet illustrates how EpiPens as one example of many where drug companies institute major price hikes that compound year after year.

[button title=”Download Now: Fact Sheet” link=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/EpiPens-are-One-Example.pdf” target=”_blank” size=”” color=”” class=””]

Our new social media graphics show the breadth and depth of this complex pricing issue. Save the images below and use them via social with hashtag #RxSolutions to join the conversation.

[button title=”DOWNLOAD NOW: Reps. Hoyer and Roe on EpiPen Pricing” link=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Graphics.png” target=”_blank” size=”” color=”” class=””]

[button title=”DOWNLOAD NOW: More Than Mylan” link=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/CSRxP-Graphic-Pfizer.png” target=”_blank” size=”” color=”” class=””]

[button title=”DOWNLOAD NOW: NEVADA RESIDENT ON SKYROCKETING DRUG PRICES” link=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Graphic-3.png” target=”_blank” size=”” color=”” class=””]

[button title=”DOWNLOAD NOW: PRICE FOR LIFESAVING NALOXONE SOARS” link=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Graphic-4.png” target=”_blank” size=”” color=”” class=””]