Presidential Candidates Address Soaring Prescription Drug Costs

Sep 23, 2015


For Immediate Release
September 23, 2015

John Rother
[email protected]

Presidential Candidates Address Soaring Prescription Drug Costs

As the 2016 presidential race heats up, prominent candidates are beginning to unveil comprehensive plans to address soaring prescription drug costs and the harmful impact their price tags have on Americans. In response to the introduction of the latest drug pricing proposal, John Rother, president of the National Coalition on Health Care and leader of the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing, issued the following statement:

“We appreciate that presidential candidates are engaging on the high price of prescription drugs because of the strong demand from voters for action. Our recent survey proves, high costs of prescription drugs are starting to shape and drive the political landscape and matters to voters.

We believe that market-based solutions are best and will work with candidates from both parties to advance meaningful reform. We look forward to working with all of the candidates – Democrats and Republicans – on finding a sustainable solution in an effort to bring down these exorbitant costs that continue to put a strain on the U.S. health care system and beyond.

The example that was reported recently of Turing Pharmaceuticals and their indefensible price increases highlights the important challenges facing the health care system when manufacturers raise prices without regard to value.”